Saturday, June 14, 2008

43. Silence

* Silence by Shusaku Endo
   Cover design: Satya Utama Jadi
   published: December 2008

How do i describe this book? Can I say that it's, more or less, in the line of Coelho's The Fifth Mountain? Yes and no, I think. Yes, because it also tells about a God who seems to be completely silent in the face of human adversity. No, because... it is in many ways a much more sombre work, and it leaves you questioning many things to the end.

Anyway, here is a little about the book. The setting is Japan in the 17th century, during the Edo period. Sebastian Rodrigues is a Portugese priest sent to Japan to help the local church and to find out what happens to his teacher, Christovao Ferreira, who is reported to have committed an act of apostasy. He goes there with a fellow Jesuit, Francisco Garrpe, and there they find the remaining Japanese Christians in an extremely heart-rending condition. For it is the era when Christianity is strictly banned in Japan and anyone refusing to abandon their faith must go through terrible tortures before being executed. Rodrigues, who comes from the West with high spirits, ready to die a glorious death as a martyr for the poor peasants, find the reality to be completely reversed, and he is shaken to the deepest core of his faith.

Mr. Endo, needless to say, has written a brilliant work and William Johnston, who translates the work into English, has included a much needed foreword for background, in the English edition to help readers understand the story better. But, this is by no means a difficult read. It is simple yet profoundly deep. You'll find yourself immersed in the story almost effortlessly.

And oh... i like the simplicity of the cover art attached here. It's so powerful in its simplicity. And... can't wait for Mr. Martin Scorsese to really start making the movie as has been rumored.